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Grand Jury Representation

One of the easiest and quickest ways to win a criminal case is to have it dismissed in the Grand Jury. All Felony cases are presented to a Grand Jury which decides whether or not to indict an individual on a criminal charge. A Grand Jury is a group of twelve citizens who meet on a regular basis. They vote to “true bill” a case or “no bill” a case. If a case is “true billed,” an individual is indicted and their case is assigned to a Court for disposition. If a case is “no billed,” it is dismissed. A “no bill” may be expunged from your criminal record.

A Grand Jury is a secretive body. The Defendant and Defense attorney are not allowed to be present while a case is being considered, even though the prosecutor is present. However, most jurisdictions, including Dallas County, will allow a Defense Attorney to submit a packet to the Grand Jury which outlines why a case should be dismissed. In Dallas County, a lawyer may even be allowed to make a short statement to the Grand Jury in an attempt to persuade them to dismiss a case.

In Dallas County, the Grand Jury hears about a hundred cases a day. Needless to say, they only spend a matter of minutes on each case. They will, however, dismiss a case if there isn’t probable cause to believe an individual committed an offense. They also have the power to reduce a charge from a Felony to a Misdemeanor. That’s why it’s so important to point out in concise language why a case should be dismissed or reduced. A Grand Jury can consider evidence that may not be admissible in a regular trial. For instance, that fact that someone has taken and passed a polygraph examination is not admissible at a trial. But a Grand Jury can consider that type of evidence. If a victim wishes to dismiss a case, an Affidavit of Non Prosecution can be presented to the Grand Jury, requesting them to dismiss the case.

In Dallas County a person who has been arrested will not receive notice of when the Grand Jury is going to hear their case. That’s why it’s important to hire an attorney soon after an arrest takes place. Pask Law will monitor your case to make sure your Grand Jury Hearing date is not missed. He will work on your Grand Jury Presentation with you to make sure that your side of the story is presented to them for consideration. This option is no longer available if the Grand Jury has already returned an indictment.

Pask Law has represented many individuals before the Grand Jury. They have received “no bills” on everything from Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child to Burglary of a Habitation. Pask Law has the experience to present your case to the Grand Jury in a persuasive manner. Call Pask Law today at 214-360-9700 for a free consultation on your case so they everything possible can be done in order to achieve a favorable result on your case.

Client Reviews

I never expected to need a criminal attorney, but that changed one evening on my way home when I entered a construction zone with missing and conflicting traffic signs. It was obvious that I needed expert legal assistance. I knew Neil Pask from the days when he was a top prosecutor in the Dallas...


One cold rainy night, I slid my car into some construction equipment parked in the road. I was subsequently arrested for DWI and blew a .11. I couldn't afford a DWI conviction because I would lose my job. I hired Neil Pask to represent me. We tried my case to a jury and they returned a verdict of...


I recently was arrested for DWI 3rd after I had entertained some family and friends at my home. I hadn’t been in any trouble in over 10 years, but my past came back to haunt me. After reviewing the qualifications of many lawyers regarding my case, I believe God led me to Neil Pask. I had been doing...


Dear Neil: I want to thank you for handling my case so well. Your professionalism, knowledge and compassion were far beyond anything a client could ever ask for. Your perseverance and success handling my situation was outstanding. You are truly one of the greatest in your profession!


There is nothing more terrifying than being accused of a crime and I crime that I was completely innocent of. You are up against an institution (the police) whose job is to disprove your innocence. I was referred to Neil and I swear that God led me to him. He was totally professional, knowledgeable...


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